Our History

Fundación Hogar Integral, a non for profit organization, is born in 1980 thanks to the work of Jesuits Jaime Martínez , and was activated in 1984 by Honorary Life Chairwoman, Mrs. María Cristina Jaramillo de Arrázola, sociologist, who, with a group of professionals visited disadvantaged social groups to assess some aspects of housing in the area, but instead, they identified that the primary need in this community was food for their children. From this moment on, the Foundation started fighting against the scourge of hunger and malnutrition in sectors with highest risk of vulnerability in Bogotá and Altos de Cazucá in the municipality of Soacha (Colombia).

A Team was consolidated, and some strategic alliances were made with several entities; the group was able to manage the acquisition and construction of optimal structures for the provision of food to these communities, implementing Community Development Centers.

Over time, the non for profit organization focused its efforts on early childhood in sectors mentioned above, because we realized that offering good nutrition to our beneficiaries was not enough, in 2002 we created the Child Development Center Network to stimulate comprehensive early childhood development and educate for peace.

At the present time the Foundation has two Production Centers for nutrition and six Child Development Centers, where, thanks to contributions and support from entities such as the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), the Caja de Compensación Familiar CAFAM and the Sponsor Plan, among others, we have been able to contribute to the development of the country and the welfare of many families, who, today have a decent living, generating great impact in those communities where we work.


Fundación Éxito: Toda Una Vida por la Nutrición ( a Whole Life for Nutrition)

Mujer CAFAM por Bogotá en 2014 to our Honorary Life Chairwoman María Cristina Jaramillo de Arrázola.

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