Developing comprehensive attention programs focused on early childhood, supported by national and international solidarity, in order to contribute to overcome social inequality and promote integration of disadvantaged communities, taking active part in Sustainable Development Goals.
To be recognized at national and international level as a non profit, pilot Foundation working in human development of children and their families, who live in highly vulnerable environments. This will be achieved through nutrition, education and social promotion of the community; always contributing to public policies aimed to overcome extreme poverty.
The Foundation, a non for profit organization, intends to use nutrition, education, training and social promotion, to improve quality of life in highly vulnerable communities, generating comprehensive human development, in order to cooperate in the construction of a more equitable and inclusive Colombia.
Efficiency • Transparency • Social Commitment • Equality • Solidarity • Integrity
Fundación Hogar Integral ensures rendering quality and pertaining Early Education services, care and nutrition to young children and their families, within Political, Technical and Managerial Foundations of the national Comprehensive Attention Strategy “Cero a Siempre”, and the guidelines established for early education by the Ministry of National Education (MNE) and the public service technical criteria of the Sistema Nacional Bienestar Familiar (SNBF).
Through a comprehensive work, covering all dimensions of the human being, we develop several integrating activities that contribute to the welfare, development and learning of children and validate their fundamental rights; all within a rigorous frame of quality.
Business Technical Standard (NTE for Spanish). Actions performed are based on Copasst Protocols, Processes, Manufacturing Best Practices Manual (BPM) and Sanitation Plan.
Axes Environmental Policy (Based on ISO 14001).
Information Security Policy (Based on ISO 27001),
Quality Policy (Based on ISO 9001),
Occupational Health and Safety Policy (Based on OHSAS 18001), INVIMA and also, regulations to ensure comprehensiveness, suitability, transparence and service rendered with the highest standards of quality in benefit of communities we are working with.
The Foundation has a six independent members Board of Directors, three principal and three alternate, who meet at least once every two months to make strategic decisions.
The Board of Directors appoints the Director, who reports to the Board.
Main Board Members
Patricia Arrázola Jaramillo.
Carolina Fernández Vélez
Andrés Pradilla García
Alternate Board Members
Carlos Eduardo Bayona Gómez
Martin Miguel Ramírez Mejía
Santiago Giraldo Peláez
Contamos con revisoría fiscal
The Foundation has Statutory Audit in place.
At the closing of each month, financial statements are prepared and submitted to the Board of Directors. During the first quarter each year, annual comparative financial statements and, quantitative and qualitative management report are submitted to the Board of Directors.
Click here to view our Financial Statements and Annual Reports in Spanish.
The Foundations makes strategic alliances in order to optimize the development of its programs, create new opportunities for families and qualify its human talent. Contributions obtained through these alliances are invested in full in comprehensive attention developed by the Foundation.